Present Occupation: Distinguished Professor,Emiritus, An-Najah National University
Birth: November, 1953, Qalqilia, Palestine
2016 D.Sc. University of Manchester, UK
1980 Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Manchester, UK, (Supervisor Prof. Richard V. Parish)
1978 M.Sc. Petrochemicals & Hydrocarbon Chemistry, University of Manchester, UK
1977 B.Sc. Chemistry, with Distinction, Birzeit University, Palestine
Experience: An-Najah National University, Palestine
Distinguished Professor (2015)
Publications: More than150 journal papers
6 invited chapters in specialty research books
2 specialty books (one regional and one internationally published)
More than 100 international meetings (Abstracts or proceedings)
Student Aid International, University of Manchester (1978-80)
Part time Teaching Assistant, University of Manchester 1979-80 (based of performance)
Fulbright Scholar, University of Mississippi, USA (1988-89)
Visiting Associate Professor, North Carolina State University (1989-90)
Saint Andrews International Award, University of Saint Andrews, UK (2000)
Islamic Development Bank Distinguished Scholar, NREL, Golden, US (1993-94)
Arab Fund Scholar, University of Bordeaux, France (203-14)
Affiliations: Many, including:
1. Academic Member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (2015-16)
2. Electrochemical Society, USA, (active member -2015)
3. American Chemical Society (earlier, active member)
4. Associate of the University of Manchester, U.K.
5. Member of Board of the Arab Nanotechnology Network, ANTN, (2009-2011).
6. Member of the Arab Materials Science and Nanotechnology Network, AMSN, (2010).
7. Executive Committee Member, Inter-Islamic Nanotechnology Network, COMSTECH, 2013.
8. Member, Inter-Islamic Network for Science and Technology Parks, 2013.
Consultancies: Many including:
Educational reviewer for different universities and governmental agencies
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