Widely spread of chemically industry producing many types of environmentally pollutants ( e.g
dyes, herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, drugs, and others), most of these pollutants reaches our
drinking water resources, different strategies have been followed to purify contaminated water, one
of the low-cost technology is using semiconductors as catalyst for photodegradation of water organic
contaminants, TiO2 is widely studies for water treatment, however, the wide band gab TiO2 limits its
use in the UV range, which is less than 4% of our reaching-in solar spectrum. Therefore, sensitization
of TiO2 has been studied in order to activate the photodegradation processes by the visible light.
our previous work was used CdS (~2.3 eV) to sensitized TiO2, the prepared catalyst TiO2/CdS
shows catalytic efficiency in visible light toward photodegradation of organic water contaminants
(Methyl Orange & Phenazopyridine), during the photodegradation process the CdS observed decomposition
producing Cd+2 ions in the treated water.
A save, economic, nontoxic natural dye (Anthocyanin) is being used to sensitized TiO2 nanoparticles,
the produced catalyst TiO2/Anth and AC/TiO2/Anth were tested for photodegradation of both
Methyl Orange and Phenazopyridine under visible light, the prepared catalysts show an observable
efficiency towered photodegradation water organic contaminants. The efficient degradation was observed
in photodegradation Methyl Orange using AC/TiO2/Anth under acidic condition. complete
mineralization of contaminants was confirmed by the potential increasing of menial ions like NO-3,
SO4-2 and S2O3-2 .Results of photodegradation study, Kinetics, effect of temperature, and effect of
pH will be represented.