An-Najah Staff
Latest Publications
The Economic Conditions of the Islamic Maghreb and Its Natural Resources in Al-Rawd Al-Mi’tar by Al-Himyari (d. 900 AH/1495 AD) – A Historical Study
Exploring the role of AMPA receptor auxiliary proteins in synaptic functions and diseases
Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater in the Al-Badan Sub-Catchment, Palestine: Analyzing Historical Data and Future Scenarios
Stabilization of poloxamine and poloxamer block copolymer complexes in chlorinated organic solvents – mathematical modelling
Does total quality management mediate the relationship between Industry 4.0 and business sustainability in private hospitals?
The Environmental Impacts of Future Global Sales of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
The effect of using community-based learning program in science students’ achievement according to Kolb’s learning styles
Evaluation of current mechanisms related to the supervision of essential service providers and the consumer protection system in Palestine
Translation by Evidence: A Form-based Approach to the Translation of Sacred Texts *
نقد القراءة الحداثية لشحرور في كتابه "الكتاب والقرآن" موضوع "الإنزال والتنزيل" أنموذجاً