انسام صوالحة
(موظف سابق)
طبيعة العمل
البريد الإلكتروني
[email protected]
هاتف المكتب
(+970) 9 2345113 Ext. 2466

انسام صوالحة
(موظف سابق)

طبيعة العمل
البريد الإلكتروني
[email protected]
هاتف المكتب
(+970) 9 2345113 Ext. 2466
السيرة الذاتية


Ansam Sawalha



Born: May 24, 1969 in  Palestine  

Work address:     P.O. Box 7

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

An-Najah National University Nablus/ West Bank via Israel

E-mail:  [email protected]

Telephone:  (972)92381113/7   Mobile: (972)599675501




•     Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Texas at Austin , 1998

•     B.A. in Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, 1991

•     Asira El-Shamalia High School, Nablus, West Bank





2010-2011          Dean of An-Najah National University College of Pharmacy.


2010-2011          Clinical Pharmacy Graduate Program Coordinator.


2005-2012          Founding Director of the Poison Control and Drug Information Center.


2007-2009          Medical Department Coordinator.


2007-2009          Chairman, Department of Pharmacology.


2005-2007          Dean of the School of Nursing at An-Najah National University.


2008-current     Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at An-Najah National University.


1999- 2008         Member of the faculty of pharmacy council.


1999- 2008         Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at An-Najah National University.


1998-1999          Postdoctoral research fellow at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,Texas, USA.    


1996-1998          Teaching assistant in Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy at the University of Texas at Austin,                                                                     Austin, Texas, USA.        


1994-1996          Research assistant in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Texas at Austin, Austin,                                                   Texas, USA.        


1991-1994          Pharmacist with the Red Crescent Society, Nablus, West Bank.


1990-1991          Student research project in Physiology Department at Jordan University of Science

                              and Technology, Irbid, Jordan





1-    Sweileh A, Zyoud S, Sawalha,A, Abu Taha A, Hussein A, Al-Jabi S. Medical and Biomedical Research Productivity from Palestine, 2002 - 2011. BMC Research Notes. 2013


2-    Sawalha A, Sweileh W, Zyoud S, Jabi S, Sulqan A. Role of arab and muslim scientist in the development of toxicology. Annals of Alquds Medicine. 2012;8:40-56. (Article in Arabic)


3-    Sweileh WM, Zyoud SH, Dalal SA, Ibwini S, Sawalha AF, Ali I. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among patients with Schizophrenia in Palestine.BMC Psychiatry. 2012 Dec 27;12:235. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-12-235.


4-    Abu Taha A, Sweileh W, Abu Arrah E, Sawalha A, Salah O, Jamous R, Adawi D. Dispensing Practices, Attitudes and Knowledge towards Herbal Products in Palestine". Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. 2012.:144-150


5-    Sawalha AF, O’Malley GF, Sweileh WM: Pesticide poisoning in palestine: A retrospective analysis of calls received by poison control and drug information center from 2006–2010. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine (2012);24(3): 171–7.


6-    Sawalha AF, Wright RO, Bellinger DC, Amarasiriwardean C, Abu Taha AS, Sweileh WM. Blood Lead Level among Palestinian School Children. A Pilot Study. Eastern Mediteranian Health Journal. 2013;19(2):5-8



7-    Sweileh WM, Adas SO, Sawalha AF, Taha AS. Utilization and cost of antibacterial drugs in 2 general surgery units in Palestine measured using anatomical therapeutic chemical classification and defined daily dose methodology. East Mediterr Health J. 2012 Jun;18(6):641-7.


8-    Sarahroodi S, Jamshid M, Sawalha A, Mikaeili P, Safaeian L. Pattern of self-medication with analgesics among Iranian University students in central Iran. Journal of Family and Community Medicine, August 2012, Vol 19,(2): 125-9.


9-    Sawalha AF. Deliberate self-poisoning: a study in at Palestine. Int J Adolesc Med Health 2012;24(4):373-7.


10-  Sweileh WM, Ihbesheh MS, Jarar IS, Sawalha AF, Abu Taha AS, Zyoud SH, Morisky DE. Antipsychotic medication adherence and satisfaction among Palestinian people with schizophrenia.CurrClinPharmacol. 2012 Feb 1;7(1):49-55.


11-  Sweileh WM, Ihbesheh MS, Jarar IS, Sawalha AF, Abu Taha AS, Zyoud SH, Morisky DE. Differences in medication adherence, satisfaction and clinical symptoms in schizophrenic outpatients taking different antipsychotic regimens.Curr Drug Saf. 2011 Nov 1;6(5):285-90.


12-  Jamous RM, Sweileh WM, Abu-Taha AS, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH, Morisky DE.Adherence and satisfaction with oral hypoglycemic medications: a pilot study in Palestine.International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2011;33(6):942-8.


13-  Sweileh WM, Ali IA, Sawalha AF, Abu-Taha AS, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW.Gender differences in sleep habits and sleep related problems in Arab Palestinian university students. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2012; 11(3): 289-293


14-  Sweileh WM, Ali IA, Sawalha AF, Abu-Taha AS, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. Sleep Habits and sleep problems among Palestinian Students. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2011, 5:25 doi:10.1186/1753-2000-5-25. Published: 15 July 2011


15-  Sweileh WM, Ihbesheh MS, Jarar IS, Taha AS, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH, Jamous RM, Morisky DE. Self-reported medication adherence and treatment satisfaction in patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 2011;21(3):301-5


16-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Abu Taha AS. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 is not A Risk Factor for Aminoglycoside Induced Renal Injury. DiabetologiaCroatica 40-1, 2011.



17-  Hawamdeh H, Sawalha AF, Al-Gharaibeh N. Influence of the Aqueous Extract of Seven Commonly Used Plants in Jordan on the Osmotic Fragility of Human Erythrocytes. An-Najah Research journal (2010); 24:47-54.


18-  Sawalha AF. Extent of Storage and Wastage of Antibacterial Agents in Palestinian Households. Pharmacy World and Science (2010);32(4):530-535.


19-  Sawalha  AF, Sweileh WM, Tufaha M, Al-Jabi D. Analysis of the pattern of poisoning admitted to a governmental hospital in Palestine. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. 2010;107(5):914-8.


20-  Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Bani Shaseh F, Odah AA. Analysis of prescription dispensed at community pharmacies in Palestine. Eastern Mediteranian Health Journal. 2010;16(7):788-792.


21-  Zyoud SH, Awang R, Sulaiman SAS, Khan HRM, Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM, Al-Jabi SW. Relationship between Serum Acetaminophen Concentration and N-Acetylcysteine-2 Induced Adverse Drug Reactions. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. 2010;107(3):718-23.


22-  Zyoud SH, Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM, Awang R, Al-Khalil SI, Al-Jabi SW, Bsharat NM. Knowledge and practices of pesticide use among farm workers in the West Bank, Palestine: safety implications. Environ Health Prev Med. 2010;15(4):252-61.


23-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH, & Al-Jabi SW. Storage, Utilization and Cost of Drug Products in Palestinian Households. IJCPT. (2010) Jan;48(1):59-67.


24-  Sawalha AF. A Comparison of Clinical Characteristics, Discharge Medications, and In-Hospital Outcome Between Acute Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction. Cardiovascular Disease: Prevention and Control (2010). Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 201-6.


25-  Sarahroodi S, Arzi A, Sawalha AF, Ashtarinezhad A. Antibiotics self-medication among Southern Iranian University Students. International Journal of Pharmacology. In press. (2010); 6(1): 48-52.


26-  Sweileh WM, SawalhaAF, Zyoud SF, Al-Jabi SW, Tameem EJ. Patterns of Antihypertensive Therapy in Diabetic Patients with and without Reduced Renal Function. Saudi Journal of Kidney Disease and Transplantation.  2010;21(4):652-9.


27-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Shamseh FF, Khalaf HS. Epidemiological, clinical and pharmacological aspects of headache in a university undergraduate population in Palestine. Cephalalgia. 2010;30(4):439-46


28-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH, & Al-Jabi SW. Anti-hypertensive therapy for acute ischemic stroke survivor. CVD Prevention and Control. In press. (2009); 4(3):171-175


29-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Jayousi  HM, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. Predictors of “Worsening Renal Function” in Patients Hospitalized in Internal Medicine Department.  Current Drug Safety.  2009;4(2):113-8.


30-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Shraim NY. Prevalence of Reduced Renal Function among Diabetic Hypertensive Patients. International J PhysioiologyPathophysio logy & Pharmacology. 1;2009:23-9.


31-  Sweileh W.M., Sawalha AF, Rinno TM, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW.  Optimal dosing of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with chronic heart failure: a cross-sectional study in Palestine. Annals of Saudi medicine.  2009;29(2):119-22.


32-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH,  Al-Jabi SW, Tameem EJ,  Shraim NY. Evaluation of Antihypertensive Therapy in Diabetic Hypertensive Patients: Impact of Ischemic Heart Disease. Journal of pharmacy practice. 2009;7(1):40-6.


33-  Sweileh WM, Al-Jabi SW,Sawalha AF,  Zyoud SH. Pharmacy education and practices in West-Bank (Palestine). American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.  2009; 73(2): 38.


34-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Al-Aqad MS , Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. Predictors of in-Hospital Mortality after Acute Stroke: Impact of Gender. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2009; 2(1):41-7.


35-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, , Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Abaas MA. Discharge Medications among Stroke Survivors: A Study in Palestine.  Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2009;18(2):97-102.


36-  Sawalha, AF. Self-Medication with Antibiotics: A study in Palestine. The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine. 2008;20(4):213-222.


37-  Sawalha AF, Sweileh W. M, Zyoud SH,  Al-Jabi SW. Comparative Analysis of Patient Package Inserts of local and imported Anti-Infective Agents in Palestine. Libyan Journal of Medicine (LJM). Alfatah University and Ibnosina Medical Association. 2008;3(4):181-5


38-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Al-Aqad SM, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. The Epidemiology of Stroke in Northern Palestine: A One-Year, Hospital-Based Study. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease. 2008;17(6):406-11.


39-  Sawalha, AF. Characterization of Hospitalized Ischemic Stroke Patients: A study in Palestine. Lybian Journal of Medicine. 2008;4(1):37-40.


40-  Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM, Zyoud SH,  Al-Jabi SW. Self-Therapy Practices among University Students in Palestine: Focus on Herbal Remedies. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2008;16(6):343-9.


41-  Sawalha AF. A descriptive study of self-medication practices among Palestinian medical and non-medical university students. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2008 Jun;4(2):164-172.


42-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Al_janem S, Zyoud SH, Abu-Taha AS, Al-jabi SW, Jaradat NA, Zaid AN.  Medication dosing errors in hospitalized patients with renal impairment: a study in Palestine. Pharmaco-epidemiology and drug safety. 2007;16(8):908-912.


43-  Sawalha AF. Storage and utilization patterns of cleaning products in the home: Toxicity implications. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2007;39:1186-1191.


44-  Sawalha AF. Consumption of Prescription and non-Prescription Medications by

        Pregnant Women: A Cross Sectional Study in Palestine. Islamic University Journal. 2007;15 (2) 41-57.


45-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, AL-HajAbed RM,  Rabba AK. Utilization of anti-infective agents measured in “Defined Daily Dose” (DDD): A study in Palestine. Islamic University Journal. 2007;15(2):59-66.


46-  Sawalha A: Complementary and alternative medicine in Palestine: Use and safety implications. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicne, 2007;13(2):263-269


47-  Sawalha AF,Sweileh WM, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. Antidote stocking at hospitals in north Palestine. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences.2006; 5(4) Oct-Dec.


48-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Salfeete S, Zyoud SH, Abu-Taha AS, Al-jabi SW, Jaradat NA, Zaid AN. Admission blood glucose levels a potential  indicator  for short term mortality and morbidity after myocardial infarction.International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. 2006;26(3):116-121.


49-  Sweileh WM, Jaradat NA, Elawee MM, Al-Shakhsheer AM, Sawalha AF, Al-Ramahi RJ, Zaid AN. Drug interactions and risk of bleeding among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) discharged with warfarin, An-najahUniv journal for Research (N. Sci). 2006; 20:127-134.


50-  Sawalha A,  Al-Bishtawi G,  Al-Khayyat L,. Sweileh W, Al-Ramahi R, Jaradat N. Pattern of Parenteral Antimicrobial prescription among Pediatric patients in Al-Watani Government Hospital in Palestine. An-Najah University Journal for Research (N. Sci), 2006; 20:193-208.


51-  Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, and Jaradat NA, Extent of potential drug interactions among   patients receiving anti-hypertensive medications. Saudi medical journal. 2005; 26(4): 548-552.


52-  Sweileh W, Shkokani F,  Sawalha A,  Al-Ramahi R,  Jaradat N,  Zaid A, Barakat A. Prescribing pattern of angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors and beta blockers after acute myocardial infarction. Saudi Medical Journal 2005; 26 (11): 1837-1839.







  1. Sawalha AF. Arabic translation for the: Reform in the Arab World: Role of Education. Author Dr.Farouk El Baz. Original article published in the Journal of Education, 2009. Submitted to Journal of University Education and Quality Assurance. 2010.
  2.  Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM, Sulqan A: Role of Arab scientists in Toxicology. Submitted to Annalsof Al-Quds medicine. 2013





  1. Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM. Analysis of poisoning in children less than 6 years old reported to the Poison Control center in Palestine. Clinical Toxicology, 2012;50(4): 296
  2. Sawalha AF, El-Baz F. Obstacles facing research in the arab world and possible  solutions.(2012) Proceeding ofتحسين طرق تدريس مناهج البحث العلمي لطلاب العلوم الطبية والعلوم الاجتماعية في فلسطين              
  3. Sawalha AF, Wright RO, Bellinger DC, Amarasiriwardean C, Abu Taha AS,    Sweileh WM. Blood Lead Level among 6-year old Palestinian children. Clinical Toxicology, 2011;49(6):587.
  4. Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Shamseh FF, Khalaf HS.Storage, use, and cost of drug products for Palestinian housholds: a cross-sectional survey. Published in The Lancet (with permission), 2010.
  5. Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM. Analysis of acute pesticide cases reported to the poison control and drug information center in Palestine. Clinical Toxicology 2010;48(6): 658
  6. Sawalha AF. Analysis of self-harm cases received at Al-Watani governmental hospital in Palestine.    Clinical Toxicology, 2010;48(3):288.
  7. Sawalha AF. Geographic Information System mapping of poisoning cases in North Palestine. Clinical Toxicology, 2010; 48(3):275.
  8. Alkaissi A, Sawalha A, Sweileh W, Sadaqah W, Saleh Kh, Barkat A. Effect of  P-6 acupressure on postoperative nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, and pain among female patients undergoing elective abdominal surgery. Poster presentation at Society for Acupuncture Research 2010 International Conference Translational Research in Acupuncture: Bridging Science, Practice & Community. March 19-21, 2010.
  9. Sawalha AF, Sweileh W.M., Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Daragmeh AH. High dosesof atropine in the management a malathione poisoning case. Abstract No.: 8852Abstract at: European Association of Poison Centers and Clinical Toxicology Proceedings, May, 2009.
  10. Zatar N, Sawalha A, Al-Faris M. The exposure of farmers and their families to pesticides in an agricultural community. Proceedings of the Second international conference on The Palestinian Environment,2009:99-105
  11. Alkaissi A, Sawalha A, Sweileh W, Sadaqah W, Saleh K, Barakat A. Efficacy and Safety of Repeated Administration of Acetaminophen and/or Tramadol in the Prevention of Postoperative Pain in Patients Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery. Submitted to the National Surgons Conference. Al-makased Hospital, Al-quds, Palestine 2007.
  12. Sawalha AF, Everitt JI, Meussen E, Monks TJ, Lau SS. Tissue arylation and   oxidation correlates with the region of injury and repair in quinol-thioether treated rats. The Toxicologist(1998).
  13. Lau SS, Sawalha AF, Halpert JR, Koop DR, Monks TJ. Cytochrome P450 catalyzed oxidation of hydroquinone in rodents and human microsomes. The Toxicologist. 36, 23 (1997).
  14. Sawalha AF, Monks TJ, Lau SS. Isoform-specific cytochrome P450-mediated oxidation of hydroquinone, The Toxicologist. 30, 320 (1996).





  • Established the first poison control and drug information center in Palestine. The Poison Control and Drug Information Center (PCDIC) and was accredited by the World Health Organization.  
  • Winner of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) - The German Academic Exchange Service. Summer 2012, Mainz/Germany.
  • First Prize "Business Competition Plan" by BID Network and Spark, both are European organizations
  • Country representative to represent Palestine in the International Business week held in Rwanda.
  • Women in Science  Hall of Fame, nominated by the USA consulate general in Jerusalem, and selected among hundreds by the USA department of State to be the first woman from the Occupied Palestinian Territories in this hall of fame.(2011)
  • The University of Texas Continuing Education Fellowship from Sept.1996 to May 1998.
  • Fullbright Scholarship from Jan. 1994 to Jan. 1996.
  • Jordan University of Science and Technology Honor list 1986-1991
  • Five Letters of recognition from Jordan University of Science and Technology for being an  outstanding Pharmacy student.




  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow)
  • American Public Health Association
  • American Statistical Association (Fellow)
  • Biometric Society
  • British Academy (Corresponding Fellow)
  • Econometric Society
  • European Association of Methodology (Honorary Member)
  • Institute for Employment Research (Fellow)
  • Institute of Mathematical Statistics (Fellow)










  1. Dr. Serrine S. Lau, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
  2. Dr. Alan B. Combs, The University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
  3. Dr. Julie P. Katkin, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas.
  4. Dr. Robert Wright, Harvard University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of environmental health, Department of public health. Boston, USA.






حمل ملف السيرة الذاتية
university of texas at austin
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
قابلية الانواع المختلفة للتسمم
التخصص الدقيق
المدة الزمنية
1994 - 1998
التخصص الدقيق
المدة الزمنية
1986 - 1991
مدارس عصيرة
المدرسة الثانوية
التخصص الدقيق
المدة الزمنية
1974 - 1986
التاريخ الوظيفي
لا يوجد بيانات
  • لا يوجد بيانات