The phenomenon of smoking among Palestinian university students Case study: An-Najah National University
Publication Type
Original research


This study addresses the phenomenon of smoking among the Palestinian university students, including males and females. The study chose An-Najah national university as a case study, because it is the largest university in Palestine (23000 students). Importance of this study comes from the bad and negative influence of smoking on the Palestinian society, from both health and economic perspectives. The study aimed at introducing variations of smokers’ number according to faculty type and student’s sex, in addition to smokers’ social and economic characteristics. The study adopted the descriptive and analytical methodology in conducting the research work. A questionnaire is designed and distributed at a stratified random sample of students. The study showed that the highest percentage of smokers are in the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (25.4%) of the total number of smokers, while the Faculty of Shari ’a recorded the lowest percent (0%). Also, the study showed that percent of smokers among male students is 23.65%, while it is 8.9% among female student, and so, the total percentage of smokers is 32.55%. The study recommends that a program of guidance and awareness is essential to reduce this high percentage, especially, the Palestinians live under hard Israeli occupation conditions.

Key words: Smoking, Students, An-Najah National University, Diseases

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