Tall Sufan is located 1.5km west of the city of Nablus, and has a surface area of 1.5 hectare. It is a small hill in an area where there are a number of archaeological sites that date back to various periods. In the recent decades, the human activities has destroyed sections of the fortified spaces. The surviving archaeological remains include a fortification system, a pond, an aqueduct, a watermill and several dry-stone terrace walls, cylindrical weigh oil press, silos and several burial caves. All unearthed walls were built from different-sized stones, joined with mud mortar. The floors in some parts consisted of stones embedded in flooring material. After comparing these structural elements with similar ones in Palestine and the coins discovered in the site. Tall Sufan shows evidence of the Bronze (3600-1200 BC) and Iron Age II (918-539 BC), Roman (63 BC-324 AD) and Byzantine (325-638AD/16H) and Islamic periods (638/16Hijra-1918). From the Ottoman-Turkish period until modern times it was in agricultural use. In addition, this present article provides some information on the unearthed coins during the 2016-2017 campaigns.