Publication Type
Conference Paper

The infrastructure of e-commerce depends on cloud computing, especially software and hardware. Therefore, most of commercial companies use cloud computing in e-commerce, because it prevents data loss. Furthermore, cloud computing provides a complete network with hardware and software, which enable the merchant to manage their e-transaction in the best possible manner. Therefore, cloud computing provider is obliged to provide the merchant with the best software and hardware based on their respective agreements. In addition, providing high levels of security during cloud computing is important because any breach of security in clouding will affect the reputation of the merchant and provider, and effect the users via loss or breakage of their data. Although the benefits of cloud computing to the merchants and consumers in e-transaction are clear, there are some challenges and concerns. The study will discuss these challenges including the use of cloud computing within e-commerce, the legal issues of using the cloud computing in e-commerce, security and liability in the cloud. This paper proposes to investigate the issues of security and privacy concerns of users during their cloud computing sessions. In addition, this paper object to clarify the provider’s liability for loss or destruction of the information during cloud computing. Furthermore, this study aims to examine the legality of unfair contract terms in the cloud computing contracts under the Palestinian laws. This study mainly used the analytical and library research to examine the main issues of cloud computing. The laws of Palestine and the Directive 95/46/EC are used in this study to clarify the legal opinion about the issues of cloud computing. It is found from this study that the current laws in Palestine are inadequate regulate the cloud computing issues.  The contract should include a high level of security to the customer to protect their data and information in cases of cloud computing. The cloud provider should provide the appropriate technical means and the procedures to protect personal data against any accident of loss, unauthorized disclosure, and access or transfer of the data via the Internet. The benefit of this paper is to find the recommendations to develop the Palestinian laws in order to address the issues of cloud computing which Contribute in development of e-commerce in Palestine

Conference Title
2. KLIBEL8. the 9th Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference
Conference Country
Conference Date
Dec. 12, 2015 - Dec. 13, 2015
Conference Sponsor
collaboration with Tourism Malaysia and Ryverra Chocolate & Confectionery Sdn Bhd
Additional Info
Conference Website