Statehood, Democracy and Women rights in Palestine: The Same Means for the Same End?
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Palestine faces twin transitions. A transition into democracy and a transition into statehood. These transitions would be challenging endeavours on their own, in the case of prolonged occupation, this difficulty is amplified by significant orders of magnitude. Thus, it is necessary for all aspects of society to come together to give these transitions the optimum chance for success. This paper is focused on how future constitutional design can enhance the economic, social and cultural rights of women, who would then be further empowered to aid in the transitions. Indeed, it is imperative that the future constitution of Palestine can enhance the agency of women.  Already many Palestinian women have been able to assist in these transitions without having any constitutional guarantee for their rights, or a legal place, within Palestinian politics. While the many acts of Palestinian women are often framed, and deployed, as acts of resistance against the occupation, they are also opportunities to discreetly challenge and overcome internal patriarchal forms of control. If the future constitution can explicitly recognise women as equal players and the role women play in forwarding economic, social and cultural rights, then sustaining resistance, working for peace and aiding the transition process, is significantly improved. 

Conference Title
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Sustaining Peace: Developing New Insights into Peacebuilding
Conference Country
United Kingdom
Conference Date
July 5, 2017 - July 6, 2017
Conference Sponsor
Lancaster University
Additional Info
Conference Website