Designing survey research: recommendation for questionnaire development, calculating sample size and selecting research paradigms
Publication Type
Conference abstract/paper published in a peer review journal

The present study aims to provide a brief guideline to novice researchers that how to develop research questionnaire, research paradigm and theory in a survey based research. Using pragmatic approach, this study has discussed questionnaire development process in detail including questionnaire wording and formatting. Extending to this research paradigms and theory levels have been discussed. This study goes a step further and described sampling issues such as selecting appropriate sample size. Moreover, research methods for instance quantitative and qualitative research methods have been discussed. The main contribution of this study was to examine the sampling size issue. A meticulous review has bared the exact sample size that is supported by different researchers. Banking sector has been used for the development of questionnaire and sample size selection. Overall this article is designed to give beginner researchers advice and support to help them to design good questionnaires, to maximize their response rate, and to undertake appropriate data analysis.

Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings
Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency (VADEA)
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Publication Type
Online only