Health Protocol Application during the Corona Pandemic and its Impact on the Physical Condition of Palestinian Professional Football League Players
Publication Type
Original research

Objective: This study examined how the coronavirus pandemic health protocol affected Palestinian Professional Football League players' physical health. Methods: descriptive methods were employed to meet study goals. The study community comprises of 432) professional players, and 210) players registered in the Palestinian Federation's declarations for the 2020/2021 football season were randomly picked. The researchers employed a 10-paragraph physical condition scale and the 10-paragraph health protocol scale and instructions approved by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, which was sent to the Palestinian Football Federation. Results: The Palestinian Football League players adhered to the health protocol and its instructions, as the arithmetic average reached (3.61) on the total score, and the corona pandemic (COVID-19) had a high impact on their physical condition, with an average of (3.81). Conclusion: The health protocol and pandemic's effects on players' physical condition showed no significant differences based on the club's score or players' residency. Due to the corona pandemic shutdown, the researchers recommend developing special training programs to improve players' physical efficiency and reduce match pressure and increase the time between matches.
Keywords: health protocol, novel coronavirus (covid-19), physical condition

SPORT TK Revista Euroamericana de Ciencias del Deporte (ISSN: 2340‐8812)
Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index of Web of Science, Google Scholar, Catálogo Latindex, Dialnet, REDIB
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Both (Printed and Online)