Psychological Treatment of Injection Phobia using Video gaming and visual distraction among Children: A randomized control trial
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Fear of injection or needle phobia is the intense fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles, termed trypanophobia. The study aimed to explore the effect of using video-gaming and visual distraction in decreasing the injection phobia among a sample of children programmed for injection. For the current research, experimental design was employed. Two hospitals were chosen in the cities of  Jenin and Tulkarm. The research population consisted of children aged 8-12 years. The findings showed that the level of injection phobia was moderate in the experimental group after psychological therapy using video-gaming and visual distraction. With regard to the control group; the findings showed that the degree of injection phobia was high in the control group without using video-games and visual distraction. Our key findings showed that the use of video games and visual distractions increase the reduction of injection phobia.

Keywords: Injection phobia; Video-gaming; Visual distraction; Psychology; Children; Fear


Conference Title
Medical and Surgical Oncology in the era of subspecialty: what is the evidence?
Conference Country
Conference Date
Jan. 1, 2025 - Jan. 1, 2025
Conference Sponsor
An-najah National University