In undertaking a review of archaeological field training at Palestinian universities, the authors set out to examine an area that had not previously been studied in Palestine. The objective was to be able to optimize field training for producing future Palestinian archaeologists, while creating an archaeological framework for protecting and promoting archaeological heritage in the region. Archaeological sites form a significant part of the cultural heritage of Palestine and may not survive without measures for their protection. They are threatened by ongoing conflict, urban development, and looting. The results of this study will enable archaeology departments to seek funding and logistic support for field training courses and other projects with concrete information on their contribution to preservation of archaeological cultural heritage. The study examines the current summer field training courses and makes proposals for improving their effectiveness. The analytical study is based on qualitative and quantitative data obtained from a sample of students and supervisors from summer field training courses conducted by the universities offering archaeology. The aim was to assess current practice in order to identify and challenge teaching and assessment methods. In this way, the authors hope to achieve a more modern and universal model of archaeological field training for Palestine (Brookers 2008: 1). The field training courses are mainly held at local archaeological excavation sites, where they provide opportunities for site review. Specific aims of the analysis included examining assessment methods, instructor performance, and student perceptions of problems, needs, and expectations