"The Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the Returned Checks in Palestinian Banks
Publication Type
Conference Paper
  • غسان دعاس
  • النور محمد صوافطه
  • رند رائد دويكات
  • ملاك أحمد عدوان

This study aims to study the impact of the Corona pandemic on returned checks at Palestinian banks. The data related to the number of infected people and the number of days of closure for each month were collected to measure the extent of its impact on returned checks in light of the outbreak of the epidemic. The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS program for this data and also data was collected related to the measures taken by the Palestinian Monetary Authority in light of the pandemic, and the following results were reached: -

• There is no effect and relationship to the number of infected people on the number of returned checks, as the analysis showed an increase in infected people with an accelerated rate, compared with a decrease in the number of returned checks during the same periods.

• There is no direct impact and relationship for the number of infected people on the value of returned checks, as the analysis showed an increase in the infected people with an accelerated rate, compared with a decrease in the value of returned checks during the same periods.

• There is an impact and a relationship of comprehensive closures on the number of returned checks, as the analysis showed a record increase in the number of checks returned during periods of comprehensive closure, and a smaller number during periods of partial closure.

• The results of the statistical analysis showed that the procedures of the Monetary Authority had positive and negative effects on returned checks in light of the outbreak of the Corona pandemic.

Key Words: Coronavirus Pandemic, Returned Checks, Palestinian Banks

Conference Title
المؤتمر الثالث المحكّم لكليّة الاقتصاد والعلوم الاجتماعيّة للعام الأكاديمي 2020 - 2021 "تحدّيات الاقتصاد الفلسطيني في مواجهة الضّغط السّياسي وتداعيات أزمة كورونا"
Conference Country
Conference Date
April 11, 2021 - April 11, 2021
Conference Sponsor
جامعة النجاح الوطنية