Smart On-Board Transportation Management System Using GPS/GSM/GPRS Technologies to Reduce Traffic Violation in Developing Countries
Publication Type
Original research
Nowadays, the evolution in transportation technologies makes the necessity for increasing road safety. In this context, we propose the implementation of a smart onboard GPS/GPRS system to be attached to vehicles for monitoring and controlling their speed. In case of traffic speed violation, a GPRS message containing information about the vehicle such as location and maximum speed is sent to a hosting server located in an authorized office so that the violated vehicle is ticketed. Moreover, this system can also track the vehicle’s current location on a Google Map, which is mostly beneficial when vehicles should follow a specific road and in case of robbery. Also geo-casting can have a major role in this model. Some sensors, such as shock/vibration sensor usually attached to the air-bags in vehicles, are attached to the system that in case of accident, it will send notifications to the nearest hospital, police station and civil defense. Our proposed model can be utilized for different implementations, both in public and private sectors. While similar existing systems in Palestine have focalized just on the tracking aspect of vehicles’ monitoring, it would be the first system supporting both ticketing and tracking.
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC),3,4,96-105,2013,The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Co.
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Both (Printed and Online)