Archaeology in Palestine: Growth and Progress
Publication Type
Original research

Archaeology has an important position among modern sciences as a result of extra attention to this science at the official and academic levels. Many programs were founded in Palestinian universities despite its late appearance. In 1976, the academic institute was the first institute established in Birzeit.  In 1992, came the higher institute of archaeology in Ramallah which is now a branch of Al-Quds university located in Abu Dis. Three years later, AN-Najah National University. Then, 2002, Islamic University of Gaza. In 2012, University of Hebron. At the official level, in 1994 after signing Oslo Accord, by the government of Israel and the leadership of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities was established. Since 1967, it was the only accord dominates Palestinian antiquities until signing it. According to this accord, West Bank was divided into (A, B, C) areas where antiquities in C area have to under the absolute military and civil Israeli sovereignty. In 1966, the Jordanian antiquities in C area was in effect   in Palestine. Then, in 2018 anew has come into force instead of Jordanian law it was “Palestinian Cultural Heritage Law.” This research aims to follow up the progress of Palestinian archaeology over different eras, and to shed light on the general aims of this research. In addition, archaeology played a political role in the establishment of Israel sine 1948 throughout finding several foreign association headed by foreign archaeologists. A lot of them were biblical who use the bible for political purposes. On the other hand, a few of them were neutral in the analysis of archaeological discoveries such as the British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon. The Israeli narration was and still the most powerful whereas the Palestinian narration remained poor because of the lack official Palestinian and Arabian support. Palestinian archaeology as a science remained limited to individual efforts by local academic who have interest in studying it academic purposes. Researcher adopted several strategies to collect data through investigating different Greek, Roman, Islamic and modern sciences sources and resources.

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