Maather F Sawalha was born in Palestinian Territory. She grew up in a family who respects education. She received her fist two chemistry degrees in Jordan and by the financial support of Fulbright, received her Ph D in UTEP, Texas. In the places Maather Studied at, she taught and /or conducted research in chemistry. Currently, Maather Works for chemistry department at An Najah National University, Palestinian Territory.
Maather Sawalha was born in 1970 in Nablus, Palestine, for a family who highly respects education, gained her B.A and Masters in chemistry in Jordan. worked after graduation for the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in environmental statistics, the thing that aquired her knowledge in environmental issues and in many other aspects. During that time participated in the environmental indicators expert meeting that was conducted in the united nations in the USA. Despite having a stable job and her first daughter, she kept looking for chances to go for Ph D
Higher Education
After graduating from Yarmouk University with honors, she kept looking forward to go for Ph D. at that time no such well established programs were available in Palestine nor in Jordan, so she applied for the Fulbright and got a Fulbright scholarship to go for a two funded years into the USA. She joined University of Texas at El Paso, and studied environmental analytical chemistry. At graduation, she was recognized as an outstanding Ph D student
Ph.D. and Research
At Utep, Maather studied the optimum condition of a desert plant to clean contaminated waters, in order to find an alternative environmental friendly method for cleaning contaminated waters, her research was under the supersision of Dr Gardea-Torresdey. After graduation joined Dr Dasgupta's group ata Texas Tech University and participated in developing an electrochemical based method for the detection of arsenic in water.
Currently Maather teaches chemistry courses, supervises master students, and conducts research ata An Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine
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