Mohammad Qadi
Nature of Work
Director of Biomedical Sciences Department
Email Address
[email protected]
Office Phone
(+970) 9 2345113 Ext. 88-2576

Mohammad Qadi

Nature of Work
Director of Biomedical Sciences Department
Email Address
[email protected]
Office Phone
(+970) 9 2345113 Ext. 88-2576
General microbiology - 7105403
Course Title
General microbiology
Course Number
Instructor Name
Mohammad Qadi
Contact Information
[email protected]
Semester(s) and academic year(s)
Compulsory / Elective
Course Description

The course is designed to give students basic concepts of microbiology as well as the most important concepts in microbial pathogenesis and antimicrobial agents. In addition, this course must provide the students with knowledge regarding the most important human pathogens (bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic).  The course will also include some lectures regarding Prion diseases.

Course Objectives

This course will provide students with Knowledge regarding the importance of Microbiology and different fundamental aspects with a focus on human diseases. After this course, the student should be familiar with different human microbial pathogens including bacteria, viruses, parasites & fungi in term of their fundamental (evolution, taxonomy, structure, growth characteristics, genetics & reproduction) and medical aspects.


Intended learning Outcomes and Competences

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)

a- Knowledge and Understanding:

a.1. Recognize basic concepts in microbial taxonomic classification, structure, morphology, nutritional and growth requirements and genetics.

a.2. Compare between the different mode of actions of antimicrobial chemotherapeutics.

a.3. Recognize the role of virulence factor for the most common human pathogens

a.4. Compare levels of host-parasite relationship, benefits and pathogenesis.

a.5. Understand and differentiate between the different human diseases


b- General and transferable skills:

b.1. Independent learning by using the web for both essential and extra curriculum readings

b.2. Interactive learning through brain storming and directed group discussion

b.3. Scientific thinking and logic flow of knowledge

Textbook and References

Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology 27th Ed, 2016

Prescott, Harley, & Klein’s Microbiology, 8th Ed, 2011



Greenwood David et al. Medical Microbiology 17th Ed, 2007

Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology 13th Ed, 2015

Robert A. Pollack Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, 4th Ed, 2012

 John Harley  Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology10th Ed, 2017

 Published scientific papers.

Assessment Criteria
Activity Percent (%)