Healing by Design
Publication Type
Conference Paper

This research focuses on four main topics: children’s 'cognitive developments it relates to age-appropriate interior design; children’s healing environments; public spaces in hospitals – interior architecture and interior design; contextual issues –specifically, the religious, ethnic and national context of Palestine. Literature indicates that research is needed in the design of healing environments for children to create spaces that are child-friendly and meet their cognitive development needs. In Palestine, qualitative data were collected during nine co-design and co-creation workshops that included arts-based activities and semi-structured interviews. Participants included children from 3-18 years, parents, medical staff, and four groups of designers. The study uses a thematic analysis approach for analysing the qualitative data. The results of the analysis were sorted into main themes and sub-themes. The key findings of this study inform guidelines and recommendations for the design of children’s hospitals, particularly public spaces in the context of Palestine.

Conference Title
ICoRD'19 is the seventh in a series of conferences intended to be held every two years in India to bring together the international community from diverse areas of design practice, education and research.It will be held during 9th to 11th January 2019 at the National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. It aims to showcase cutting edge research about design to the stakeholders; aid the ongoing process of developing and extending the collective vision through emerging research challenges and questions; and provide a platform for interaction, collaboration and development of the community in order for it to take up the challenges to realize the vision. The conference is intended for all stakeholders of design, and in particular for its practitioners, researchers, pupils and educators.he theme of ICoRD‘19 is “Design for a connected world”.
Conference Country
Conference Date
Jan. 9, 2019 - Jan. 11, 2019
Conference Sponsor
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Additional Info
Conference Website