الضغوط النفسية لدى العاملين في مجال الخدمة النفسية في محافظات شمال فلسطين‎
Publication Type
Original research


This study sought to identify the degree of psychological stresses prevalent among people working in psychological counseling services and their relationship with the variables of sex, age, job title, experience and place of work.  The population of the study was 249 specialists in the northern governorates : Nablus, Qalqilya, Salfit, Jenin and Tulkarm.

The sample of the study consisted of 154 specialists chosen randomly and representing 61.8% of the population of the study.  After data collection and analysis, it was found that the degree psychological stresses among providers of psychological counseling services in northern Palestine , was moderate-high moderate (2.93) or 58.6% .  The importance of the job in the society occupied the first place among the domains of the psychological stresses.  The degree was high and the arithmetic average was (3.18) or 63.8%.  The findings also revealed statistically significant differences among the domains of the study.

The findings confirmed that the psychological stresses among the providers of psychological counseling services come form the drop in the value of the career in the society to a low degree.

In addition, the provision of psychological services also causes psychological stress to the provider.  Also lack of material and moral incentives significantly affect the psyche of the provider when he/she provides the service.  However, there stresses are alleviated a little thanks to the development of human relations and the personality traits associated with the success of career. 


مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة للأبحاث والدراسات
مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة للأبحاث والدراسات
Publisher Country
Thomson Reuters
Impact Factor
Publication Type
Prtinted only