Transportability and adaptation through design for disassembly; the case of concrete buildings,
Publication Type
Conference Paper

In architecture, transformation, transportability, flexibility and adaptation are different expressions but lead to the same objective that concerns in increasing livability and sustainability of buildings through change, which may include: building site, building function or building appearance and skin. Change may occur due to development and technology that reflects continuous increasing demands of people that need to be satisfied (Durmisevic 2010), or due to obsolescence (Crowther 1999). This tendency in architecture and construction contributes to the conservation of energy and natural resources through reuse of building component and materials as well as the extension of the buildings life. Recently increasing concern is given to the design of building for disassembly as a key to adaptability and flexibility. The review of state of the art in this context shows that research and developments regarding adaptability have been restricted to some building types such as steel and timber construction, while other building types such as concrete buildings have been ignored or incidentally indicated.
This paper explores the current construction practices for concrete buildings from a design for disassembly point of view, defines hindrances, highlights promising aspects and indicates domains for further developments. It also defines the range of buildings in terms of their suitability to be designed for disassembly and at what level. Furthermore, it presents a Ph.D. research methodology of a study at Leibniz University Hanover that considers concrete buildings in this context; with reference to its focus the study extends the

Conference Title
The 3rd Architectural Design Conference ARCHDESIGN '16 Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Country
Conference Date
June 17, 2016 - June 18, 2016
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