Level of Aspiration Among Physical Education Students at An-NajahNational University as Related to Selected Variables
Publication Type
Original research

Level of Aspiration Among Physical Education Students at An-NajahNational University  as Related to

Selected Variables

Prof . Abdel Naser . Qadumi     Dr. Walid. Khanfar

Faculty of Physical Education- An-Najah National University



The Sixth International Conference, 18-19/7/2014, 897-926, Faculty of Physical Education, Yarmok University.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of aspiration among physical education students at An-Najah National University (ANU) , and to determine differences in aspiration according  to gender, academic level, and academic achievement. The study sample consisted of (170) male and female students. To collect data,  aspiration scale developed by (Moawad& Abdel Atheem,2005) was applied .To address questions in the study, means, percentages, independent t-tests, One Way ANOVA  and Scheffes’ post-hoc test were used.

The  results of the study indicated that students’ aspiration was moderate, where the percentage of response for the total score was (65.67%), and the rank order for domains were as flowed: optimistic  domain (70.33%),a challenge acceptance  ( 67%), ability of goals orientation (65%), and depression (60.33%).Also, the results indicated that there were no significant differences in students aspiration due to gender and academic level variables. While, the results revealed a significant in students aspiration according to academic achievement in favor to highest achievement.

Based on the findings of the study the researchers recommended to Hold workshops for students in the Faculty of Physical Education at An- Najah University, to educate students about their careers and work areas, and advise them according to their preparation, abilities and aptitudes to work in various fields of physical education after graduation.


Key Words: Aspiration , Physical Education Students, An-Najah National University.


عبد الناصر القدومي
المؤتمر الدولي السادس، كلية التربية الرياضية، جامعة اليرموك،18-19 حزيران (2014)،897-926.
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