Surgery for colorectal liver metastasis
Publication Type
Conference Paper


Surgery for colorectal liver metastasis

Dr Khaled Demyati

Consultant HPB Surgeon

Head of Surgical Department

An-Najah National University Hospital



Colorectal cancer is a worldwide public health problem. Large proportion of patients with colorectal cancer present at an advanced stage, and the liver is the most common site of metastases. More recently, selection criteria for respectability of liver metastasis have been expanded, but definition of resectability still remains challenging. Since the presence of metastases is the most relevant prognostic factor, surgical resection of liver metastases is the mainstay of treatment. The advent of new chemotherapeutic agents and the development of loco-regional therapies (embolization, ablation, and infusion chemotherapy) have contributed to better outcomes. It is deemed reasonable to adopt combination therapy for unresectable metastases. In view of the lack of standardized evidence-based protocols, optimal management of hepatic metastases should be individualized to the single patient and decided through a multidisciplinary approachIn this overview, the current management of liver metastases originating from colorectal cancer is presented.

Conference Title
The 6th conference of surgery in Palestine
Conference Country
Conference Date
Nov. 29, 2018 - Dec. 1, 2019
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