Teaching translation at universities in the Palestinian territories: state of play, challenges and perspectives.
Publication Type
Original research

In the current context of globalization, translation has become a necessity. The numbers of translation agencies and translators are increasing continuously. Their services are increasing in number as they are simultaneously becoming ever more important, indispensable even. Presently, legal, financial, audiovisual, and other types of translation are interdisciplinary fields that require trainers and researchers to acquire not only linguistic skills but also technical and scientific knowledge.

The role of curricula and human resources in the teaching and training of translators able to meet the profession’s requirements is key. To address this key concern, this article evaluates the current status of translation pedagogy in undergraduate and graduate programs in Palestinian universities. Using a quantitative approach, it examines the weight given to scores of translation courses, as well as professors’ qualifications, in order to propose useful recommendations.

Results show that both the quality and the quantity of courses do not correspond to the training objectives in the undergraduate programs. They reveal a lack of practical and theoretical courses, compensated for in postgraduate programs with courses more relevant in content and greater in number. Neither program requires any company internship. Furthermore, these courses are taught by professors who do not hold a degree in translation.

Key words: translation –translation studies - university education - curriculum - theoretical courses - practical courses


International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Publisher Country
Publication Type
Online only