Introduction to the Geopolitical Situation In Palestine
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Geopolitical framework of Middle East and particularly of Palestine has changed dramatically after the First World War also known as the Great War, with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1917 and the beginning of the British control over those territories. Latter other major events with huge repercussions in local inhabitants live and their economic activities was the partition of Palestine in 1947 and the creation of Israel in 1948, followed by Israel's occupation of the West Bank in 1967. More recently occurred the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in 1994 which works with the continuation of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank. So, last decades were characterized by instability and crises occurrences, this instability is still at their peak in the present moment, and overhanging of uncertainty the future of the state of Palestine.


The unique geopolitical context of Palestine is affecting the daily life of all its citizens, as well as how organizations, institutions and firms perform their activities. Particularly, the changes of the Palestinian geopolitical context that we have witnessed in the past decades and that we are witnessing presently has been causing direct impacts on the Palestinian economy in general and on the industrial sector in particular. So, to understand how industrial activities based in the West Bank work and to understand the way they use space and time, as well as the constraints to their performance and competitiveness, it is impossible to neglect the influence of historical, political and geographical roots. 

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Conference Date
Oct. 21, 2014 - Oct. 21, 2014
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