- The Judaization of Al-Aqsa and the Alleged Temple
Publication Type
Conference Paper



Palestine and the Palestinian Question since the Ottoman Period to the Present Day, 24-25 November 2013

استمارة المشاركة


الصفة الأكاديمية: أستاذ دكتور مؤسسة الانتماء: جامعة النجاح الوطنية/فلسطين            

البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]  الهاتف الثابت: 0097092345297 الفاكس: 0097092345982


The Title:  The Judaization of Al-Aqsa and the Alleged Temple





Prof. Dr Ihsan Al Deek                الاسم الكامل : أ.د  احسان يعقوب الديك












The Jews have made up the myth of the “promised land,” painted it religiously, promoted the idea, and endeavored to realize it by linking among the God, the people, and the land. The claimed they are the chosen people, and God promised them and their children solely the land.

It is not strange to say that today’s struggle with the Jews is religious before it has become political. They surpassed the Zionist stage, which harnessed this myth to encourage Jews migrate to Palestine; they began transforming the Torah’s dream to reality by the today’s Judaization measures on land.

Jerusalem, which is God’s city to them, is at the heart of this myth. And the center of all is the mount Jerusalem, as the so-called “the drink stone” lies there. It is believed that the globe stands on the stone, where the Dome of the Rock is located now. The Jews believe that the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Boards can be found there. They also believe that the Temple was built above all that. This temple, they argue, was contructed and destroyed repeatedly throughout history.

The research tries to observe the Israeli measures to transfer the old city in Jerusalem to a Jewish Religious center, reach the steps of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and finally surround it with a Jewish belt, waiting for the right moment to erect the alleged Temple. They took over Rebat Al-Kurd, to built the small temple, the Wailing Wall and the Tankaziyya School, demolished Al-Magharibah neighborhood, and surrounded Al-Aqsa Mosque from south and east, dugged under it tunnels and alleys, and built Jewish outposts inside the old city.

The research also tries to sets off the alarm bells in the ears of all Muslims and Christians about the Israeli measures in Judaizing Jerusalem, which was uncovered through the TV interviews among Jews about the alleged Temple, the increasing number of settlers who desecrate Alqsa Mosque square, and through their repeated calls to divide the prayers in it, as they did in Al-Ibahimi Mosque in Hebron, as a steppingstone to Judaization and building their Temple.



Conference Title
-Palestine and the Palestinian Question since the Ottoman Period to the Present Day, 24-25 November 2013
Conference Country
Conference Date
Nov. 28, 2013 - Nov. 29, 2013
Conference Sponsor
الجمعية التاريخية التركية /أنقرة