This study
other stud
making th
samples no
y investigates
e polychlorina
in Tulkarm a
dies undertaken
he ambient air
o PCDDs were
the presence o
ated biphenyls
ambient atmos
n in other site
r profile of Tu
e recorded. Th
of highly toxi
s, which may
sphere. The m
es globally. P
ulkarm city, P
he contribution
ic and carcino
have evolved
measured conc
PCB 118, PCB
Palestine. Whil
of Gishori com
genic compou
d as a result
centrations we
B 104 and PC
le PCDFs wer
mplex area to
unds such as d
of many indu
re compared t
CB 77 were th
re detected in
air pollution w
dioxins, furans
ustrial and bur
to values foun
he main conge
n about 40% o
was considered
s and
nd in
of air