Impact of Political Factor on the Tourism Development in Palestine: Case Study of Sabastiya Village
Publication Type
Original research

Tourism is vulnerable to exogenous factors; these factors can disrupt the tourism industry, lead to the decline in tourists, and influence their choice of destination. This study explores tourism in Palestine in general, with a focus on Sabastiya Village. This study aims to describe the factors influencing the tourism development in Sabastiya Village. We used two methods to achieve our research objective. We interviewed tourism policy makers in the area and utilized Geographic Information System (GIS) system that showed the geopolitical situation of the study area. Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is the major factor that negatively influences the Palestinian tourism sector in terms of the controlled Area C. Based on the findings; this research suggests two solutions that may overcome the challenges facing Sabastiya Village. First, the Palestinian government should increase their attention to this area at all levels. Second, the local community and other local institutions at Sabastiya Village should be aware of the means to protect their archeological and cultural heritage sites. As revealed to tourism sector in Sabastiya village that without an end of the occupation it will be very hard to grow and develop tourism industry in the area of study.

American Journal of Tourism Management
Scientific & Academic Publishing (SAPUB)
Publisher Country
United States of America
Publication Type
Online only