Social and cognitive factors as predictors of psychological and social adjustment among Arab adolescents
Publication Type
Conference Paper


Adjustment is the process in which one learns to regulate one’s behaviour and attitudes towards the goal of achieving harmony with oneself, with others, and with the environment. It is especially challenging for adolescents, who face the developmental task of developing a stable identity in a stage of life in which crises and conflicts abound. It is even more fraught for adolescents living in a society experiencing social change, such as Arab society in Israel. This society is undergoing processes of modernization and not only Israelization but also the contrary process of Palestinization, a situation that puts obstacles in Arab adolescents' path to developing their identity. This study examines the personal and social resources that may improve personal and social adjustment of Arab adolescents at school and in society, assessing the contribution of self-control, social support and subjective well-being to improved social and personal adjustment and how they predict variance in adjustment levels.

 Key words: adjustment, self-control, subjective well-being, social support

Conference Title
8th World Conference on Psychology, Counseling and Guidance
Conference Country
Conference Date
April 28, 2017 - April 30, 2017
Conference Sponsor
SciencePark Research, Organization & Counseling