Drugs and Human Security
Publication Type
Original research


Human security is of universal nature and is important for all people, rich and poor, in all places. They all are vulnerable to threats of all kinds: crimes, unemployment, drug abuse, poverty, diseases, pollution and wars, and human rights violation. These problems differ, however, from one country to another; still these threats are a burgeoning phenomenon. It is well known that the relationship between human security and development is a dialectic one. Progress in both areas means progress in another field. Human security has two components:  freeing oneself from fear and from need. In advanced countries, freeing oneself from  fear obsesses people so much there. Their security is threatened by potential crimes and war on drugs. In contrast, people need to free themselves from threats of starvation, poverty and homelessness, for one third of population lives below poverty line. One element of human security among poor and affluent  nations is personal security. There are also other types of security which people also wish to enjoy: psychological security, food security, social security, cultural security, economic security and water security. Psychological security results from man’s interaction with the surrounding environment and from one’s experiences he/she lives in and the social, economic, political environmental factors influencing him. For many decades, the Palestinian people have been living under very cruel conditions because of the Israeli occupation. They have paid a heavy price in terms of human lives and material damages due to heavy- handed policies which include blockades and lack of security.

Psychological security is a very important need for the building of human personality. It roots go back to childhood and is considered of high value to man. It cannot be achieved unless the other basic needs are achieved. Psychologists have studied human behavior and  the need for security. Of these was Abraham Maslow who divided human needs into five and organized them in a pyramid shape. Its basis is physiological needs followed by security neds. Erickson considered security one of the most important reasons behind human behavior.

It’s well know that personal security is tied to international security and the security of man and society and the country in general are interdependent  and cannot be separated from each other


In the light of all that, it is crystal clear the close relationship between national security and educational security. The best way to achieve comprehensive national security is through sustainable national security development. To that end,  educational security has to be given

 top priority. It holds a big responsibility for building of generations and the formation of a value, knowledge, and skills system for all society members. This includes subsequently practices on the ground which represents the basic core of all forms of comprehensive national security and is not restricted to educational security in educational institutions only. All other institutions family, mosque, mass media, all can play a major role in this national security. What is always needed is coordination, and cooperation and integration at all levels between them.

مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث - العلوم الإنسانية
An-Najah National University
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