Gender and Its Impact on the Reform of the Security Establishment in the Palestinian Society
Publication Type
Original research


There is a strong recognition and feeling in Palestine of the necessity to reform the security establishment in order to meet the security needs of cross sections in the Palestinian society and the vulnerable groups in particular: children, old people and women. The introduction of issues pertinent to gender are the key to efficacy and accountability for the security establishment and its reform. This paper endeavors to highlight the advantages of introducing gender-related issues to the police reform process and the other information on how to carry out such reform.

The importance of this paper springs from its emphasis on the police reform and transformation of the police establishment to a professional police service subject to accountability and responsive to the needs of the local communities. The term gender implies the roles, relations, personality traits, positions, behaviors and values which the society assigns to both men and women. There is a vicious cycle in the relationship between the development of the concept of gender and the cultural and social determinants which shape the concept of gender itself. This relationship is reflected in the daily social life, in  self-image and  attitudes and  perceptions of the other sex. This relationship also determines the manner of dealing with this sex.

The paper aims at providing a brief introduction to the gender-related issues and submitting them to the reform policy makers and practitioners in the security establishment. The paper raises a number of questions. How much important is the gender in the reform of the police apparatus? How can gender be engaged in the police reform process? What challenges exist and what opportunities are available in the aftermath of struggle?

These are some of the questions on the police reform process and the impact of gender on national security of the country.

مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث - العلوم الإنسانية
An-Najah National University
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Publication Type
Prtinted only