Role of Open Education in Palestinian Woman's Development
Publication Type
Original research


Open education in Palestine goes back to the late 1980s. It coincided with the events of the first Palestinian uprising and was born out of necessity: economic , political, religious and social reasons. Since then, it has played a role in woman's development given the number of its advantages: less costly and more convenient for women. Open education was introduced in response to high demand for such education by women whose parents and husbands were against their education at traditional universities.  Open education has also offered them a lot of choices in terms of specializations. It has made it possible for them to make a balance between their families and work and their education.

Opening open education branches in all West Bank and Gaza Strip governorates has made possible and easy for women in particular to access this kind of education and overcome social traditions which once prevented them from doing so.

The Palestinian woman's participation in development has dual importance in the context of the dialectic relationship between participation and development. There is no real development with the woman's participation in it. There is, besides, a gap between men and women interms of potentials opportunities, options/choices and living circumstances. All these combined have made the gender an essential element in the concept of human development and a urgent need for investmentand  tappingof women's potentials.

This study sought to find out the following: role of open education in providing higher education opportunities for the Palestinian women; role of specializations, which women choose, in reinforcing their productivity; extent of appropriateness of offered specializations by Al-Quds Open University for the local job market in Palestine. This study depended on the analytical descriptive method to achieve its objectives. A random sample of third and fourth year students (5%) was chosen from the student population of Al-Quds Open University ( 15,000  students ). In the light of the study findings, the researcher offered a number of suggestions and recommendations.

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