دور بعض المتغيرات الديمغرافية المرتبطة بمشاهدة الأطفال الفلسطينين في العمر من 8-12 لأحداث انتفاضة الأقصى على شاشة التلفاز في تغيير سلوكهم
Publication Type
Original research


The primary purpose  of this study was to investigate the impact of viewing AL-Intifada actions on TV on children behavior age (8-12)

Years according to the opinion of children and their mothers. Furthermore to determine the effect of children gender and place of living variables on these behavior . To achieve this purpose the study conducted on (766) children and (566) mothers. For collecting data (22) items questionnaire for children and (19) items questionnaire for their mothers were used.


         For data analysis (spss) packages using frequencies, percentages and chi-square (k2) were used. The result revealed a positive effect of viewing TV on children behavior age (8-12) years according to the opinion of children and their mothers, where the responses of 'yes' of children were (77.27%) and for their mothers (63.15%), such results means that there were consistence between children and their mothers opinion. In addition the results indicate that there are significant differences at (α=0.05) due to children gender and the place of living variables . The researcher recommended to give more attention of parents for their children and guide them for facing different situations which are related to intifada actions and help them to adjust with these actions.


مجلة دراسات نفسية
An-Najah National University
Publisher Country
Publication Type
Prtinted only