استراتيجيات التكيف للضغوط النفسية لدى أمهات الشهداء والسجناء الفلسطينيين في السجون الإسرائيلية
Publication Type
Original research


This study aimed at identifying the most common coping strategies used by Palestinian prisoners’ and martyres’ mothers. Furthermore, the study sought to determine and find out the impact of academic qualification, place of residence and state of struggle variables on these strategies:


To achieve the purposes of this study the researcher administered a questionnaire to a sample of 151 mothers: 78: mothers had martyrs and 73 had prisoners in Israeli jails. The researcher used Psychological Stress Coping Strategies instrument developed by Al-Ardah (1998). The problem solving physical exercises means of defense, relaxation, self-control, withdrawal, isolation, recreation, social support and religious dimension.


After making statistical processing of the results, the researcher found the religious dimension the most common strategy used by the subjects of the study, while physical exercising was the least common strategy used by them.


The researcher also used Repeated MANOVA; Wilks Lambda Test and Sidak Test. Results revealed that there were statistically significant differences at = 0.05 among the various strategies. There were also statistically significant differences among coping strategies which may be attributed to academic qualification variable in favor of respondents who had a higher academic qualification. However, no statistically significant differences were found which may be attributed to place of residence and state of struggle.

المجلة العلمية المحكمة لكلية التربية
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