رؤية عينة من طلبة الجامعات الفلسطينية لظاهرة الإرهاب
Publication Type
Original research


 This study aims at knowing the undergraduates views and their attitudes towards the terror phenomenon and its effects on the variables as: sex, address, university grades, and the college. In addition, to know the aggression level which students experienced about themselves and how it affects their attitudes towards the terror with all its axis: introduction, causes, hazard ness and managing it.

This study used a random sample of the students at An-Najah National University that represented students of all Palestinian Universities, it consists of (245) of the subjects.

The research findings are: there is a significant statistical difference at ( α 0.05) between sexes at the total and in the three axis : causes, hazarded- ness , and managing  for the female. And between the university grades at the managing axis for the senior and junior. And between the addresses for the city over the village and camps, and camps over village at the total and introduction axis. And between the aggression levels for the controlled aggressive behavior at the terror hazard axis. And there is no significant statistical difference for the college variable. 

The most important recommendation is conducting more research on the aggression levels using clinical methods in order to know if there is balance between individual experience and the psychological diagnosed.   

دراسة مقدمة للمؤتمر العالمي
جامعة الملك حسين بن طلال
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