Evaluation for Environmental Comfort Performance in the Palestinian Schools
Publication Type
Conference Paper


This paper is a part of a research project “Al-Maqdisi” that had been done during 2013-2015 and funded by the French government in cooperation between Building Engineering Department at NNU and GRECCAU laboratory at ENSAP-Bordeaux in France. The aim of this project is to assess the environmental comfort in the dominant school buildings form in Palestine. An investigation for the environmental comfort parameters, based on subjective and objective approaches, of school buildings in two different climatic zones of Palestine; Nablus and Jericho was carried out. Four aspects of comfort were considered: thermal, visual, acoustical and functional. Both comfort requirements and average comfort index were determined in function to the classroom’s orientation, school’s form and its location. The results show that temperature, odours and noise are perceived as the most influential parameters on the classroom comfort. Moreover, a cross correlation between subjective assessment and objective measures approaches shows a consistency in the obtained results.


Keywords: Environmental comfort, school design, climatic zone, Palestine.


Conference Title
PLEA 2016 Los Angeles | Cities, Buildings People: Toward Regenerative Environments
Conference Country
United States of America
Conference Date
July 11, 2016 - July 13, 2016
Conference Sponsor
The Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE)
Additional Info
Conference Website