Determination of some proteins by the interaction with tris-aminocsrboxylate metal complexes
Publication Type
Conference Paper

 A sensing membrane made up of Tris- aminocarboxylate metal complex was prepared and characterized. This optical chemical sensor based on polymer swelling and shrinking was studied by optical transmission. This sensor showed high response especially to copper ions. There was insignificant response to different pHs (5-12). In addition, there was no detectable response towards alkali, alkaline earth metals and other metal ions such as Ni2+, and Co2+. The aim of this research was to detect some of protein by the interaction with carboxylated tris-aminocarboxylate metal complexes, and to study the effect of various variables on the interaction of metal complexes with proteins. It is found that the Cu2+ ions was the best caution to give a response, then this sensor was tested to different proteins such as Myoglobin from equine skeletal, Hemoglobin from bovine blood, and Albumin from human serum. Myoglobin was detected by the sensor with very high response, and also the effect of pH, and the relation between the concentration for both Cu2+ ions in the sensor and Myoglobin protein was studied. A linear relationship between the maximum absorbance and the concentration of myoglobin is obtained, as the concentration of myoglobin increase, the absorbance increases.


Conference Title
The Second Palestinian International Graduate Conference on Natural, Medical and health Sciences and Humanities (SPIGCNMHSH 2017)
Conference Country
Conference Date
April 20, 2017 - April 20, 2017
Conference Sponsor