واقع الإشراف الإلكتروني في المدارس الحكومّية وسبل التغلب على معيقاته من وجهة نظر المشرفين في شمال الضفة الغربية
Publication Type
Original research


The study aims at identifying the reality of electronic supervision in the
governmental schools, as perceived by the supervisors in the northern West
Bank, and the impact of a number of variables, such as gender, qualifications,
supervision experience, major and the location of the directorate of education
on this perception. The analytical descriptive methodology was used .
Quantitative and qualitative tools such as interviews and a questionnaire were
developed . Then the questionnaire was distributed on 244 male and female
supervisors. After data analysis, it was found that the total score of their
responses to the question about the reality of the use of electronic supervision
was 79.4%. This result was confirmed by the interviews analysis conducted
with the heads of supervision departments. There was a great importance for electronic supervision according to them. The heads of supervision departments
argued that the enhancement of technology in education was very necessary as
it is one of the requirements of the Ministry of Education . These obstacles
included poor infrastructure such as shortage of hardware and poor internet
networks or their absence.There were also human obstacles. The old generation
of teachers and supervisors resists the idea of electronic supervision. It was
recommended to study the plan of the Ministry of Education and its policies
towards technology using not only in communication, but also in counseling and
supervision processes and also to upgrade the infrastructure of all
مجلة جامعة الأزهر
Publisher Country
Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)