Practical Insights from a local academic - industry mobility experience
Publication Type
Conference Paper

The mobility of researchers and academic staff from the academic institutions to local enterprises positively contributes to higher quality innovative research through addressing the problems encountered by those enterprises. More specifically the benefits of mobility are two-fold where the academic staff could have the opportunity of acquiring more practical exposure to real problems encountered by the enterprise, while in turn enriches the researcher’s practical experience, on the other hand, the enterprise could benefit from the researchers theoretical knowledge in solving its problems. In this talk I will present my personal two years mobility experience from chemical engineering Dept. to Palestine Plastic Company as a general manager specially I will focus on both practical issues related to technical and managerial activities I was involved in during my mobility. I will relate these practical sights with real cases I use in my lectures and research and how they enhance my capabilities in the practical topics I introduce to students to enrich their knowledge and achieve strong learning outcomes capable of solving real industrial problems

Conference Title
Strengthening University-Enterprise Linkages in Palestine
Conference Country
Conference Date
June 2, 2016 - June 2, 2016
Conference Sponsor
Tempus- STEP project