Challenges as Perceived by undergraduate Students toward E-Learning at An-Njah National University
Publication Type
Conference Paper

E-learning   refers to use of computers and communication technologies in the teaching learning process. The study aimed to explore students' attitudes toward the experience of e-learning and identify the main challenges facing them.   Cross sectional descriptive design and self   administrative questionnaire   was used to collect data . Simple random method was used to select the courses and convenient method was used to  select  302 undergraduate students  who completed Blended Approach in e-Learning  during the first semester of 2012 .   The tool  measured  ;Quality of course content,   activities and assignments, technical Problems, and  students skills. Results: students attitude toward learning was high   (70.13) of students    got high score with  mean (3.5066). There was no significant differences between   attitudes of students in relation to their gender  or academic year   at level of α= 0.05.   While the significant differences were   between  the technical part     their academic year for the fourth year  .  and  between   attitudes of students who completed the blended e-learning courses and their specialization. Recommendation: more training in relation technical do

Conference Title
International conference for learning and teaching in the digital world presented paper titled
Conference Country
Conference Date
March 30, 2014 - March 30, 2014
Conference Sponsor
An Najah National University