الاعدام خارج اطار القانون
Publication Type
Conference Paper

The death penalty is resorted to when the person committing the crime of a significant impact on the community, so as to be reprehensible and moving the will of the majority of members of the community to punish the offender to death.

These serious punishment should be resorted to restrict and must be surrounded with legal guarantees and procedural court.

However, there are cases where the Israeli forces to execute the young Palestinians without trial and without making sure of committing violations of the law for the acts, which requires a stop at these actions and to fight back and force the Israelis to legal means and international agreements to stop these acts

Conference Title
عقوبة الاعدام بين الشريعة والقانون
Conference Country
Conference Date
Oct. 1, 2015 - Oct. 2, 2015
Conference Sponsor
كلية الشريعة