Possibilities for an Autonomous, Investigative Journalism
Publication Type
Conference Paper

The big question, which is imposed upon the field of media and journalism, is: Do independent media actually exist? Is there an independent journalism?

The simple answer for this is: There is no independent journalism.

The reason for this is that journalism is part of the humanitarian field, and it is related to humans in terms of their thinking, feelings, experience, trends and opinions. Journalism is affected by all these impacts. It is not a neutral or metaphysical issue; rather it is a realistic issue that is subjected to the journalist’s trends and vision.

Yet, at the same time, there is what is known as “professional journalism” which varies in its degree. That is, the practice of journalism is subject to professional values which could be close to or distant from the truth (though absolute “truth” does not exist in societal life, but is subject to man’s vision). Therefore, journalists practice their profession according to the criteria they studied, trained, and practiced in their career. Eventually, Journalism is a professional performance when it gets closer to the society’s values in which journalism is performed.

Therefore, journalism proficiency could be wide or narrow, according to the journalist’s ability to be neutral, and abide to the proficiency’s criteria which he learned and practiced.

Journalism is not only affected, but is also subject, to the journalist’s / gatekeeper’s vision and trends, the media institution’s policies, the state’s policies, social pressures, and the economic interests. This varies from one country to another, and from a media institution to another, and even from one journalist to another. This is applicable to the independence of journalism, which also varies accordingly.

This leads us to investigative reporting, which represents an ideal example for independent journalism.

Conference Title
Global Journalism and Education – A Diversity of Voices
Conference Country
Conference Date
Oct. 5, 2015 - Oct. 6, 2015
Conference Sponsor
Norwegian Foreign Ministry