Can E-learning inspire refugees
Publication Type
Conference Paper

HERE Seminar

ICT based learning: opportunities for higher education learning and teaching


One of the top priorities expressed by Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) is the need to explore new developments in e-learning and their implications for access to and innovation of teaching and learning more generally. Many academics, Higher Education Institutions(HEI) and policy makers have expressed interest in how to better harness the opportunities that ICT, blended learning and online course delivery may offer. However there are many questions and challenges, including how to build capacity for utilizing ICT tools and infrastructure , recognition of online courses and degrees, quality assurance and training of academic staff to utilize such technology. This priority is shared by Europe , where many HELs are developing strategies toward e-learning and attempting to mainstream ICT in their teaching and learning offer. There are many practices to share , both with regards to how institutions are tackling the e-learning agenda and the implication for national and regional higher education policy landscape. This seminar , targeted at HEREs, will examine the wide array of possibilities that ICT and e-learning offer in terms of modernizing teaching and learning, opening access and internationalizing higher education. It will draw upon interesting from Europe and from the Partner regions and countries

Conference Title
HERE Seminar
Conference Country
Conference Date
May 25, 2015 - Jan. 1, 2016
Conference Sponsor
ُErasmus plus
Additional Info
Conference Website