Music Pioneer Roll In Childhood Development in Educational raising
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Music Pioneer Roll In Childhood Development in Educational raising This study aims to identifying the music pioneer roll in child hood development in educational raising, and this study comes from music benefit in musical process and the musical school activates. it’s remarkable in musical working and teaching domains that is focusing in teaching musical education, but we need more development in the phenomenon study in a realistic way in our Arab areas, which is still under non-sufficient control and motivation, and this study comes to activate the musical educational roll in our Arab countries in their pedagogic methods in different educational foundations, and that to be one of the main factors in developing music teaches ability in Arab world, that effect the childhood in music and educational raising, which teaches and learning music support the all growing needs for our childhood as an agent to complete the childhood raising needs, and to achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher examined the hypothesizes and purposes below: Music pioneer roll in childhood development in educational raising, the impact of musical education on childhood physiology to enrich their educational creativity, and their awareness and knowledge expansion, the impact of the brain how the person has been born accompanied in music talent, and to achieve global music understanding, and to teach the student how to enjoy the musical appreciation for other countries, and how to contribute in critical thinking and creativity. After analyzing and testing hypotheses, the study comes out that music in all childhood's needs, and showed also the importance of music in education that helps other subjects, and how music express the human feelings, and showed that music is the international language the facilitate connections with all people in the world, and also it decrease the stress and human depression and help them to recover and to be in a good and perfect manner. According to all these facts, we consider music as a very important part in our educational school levels. In view of the above result the researcher has recommended for more dealing with music in teaching methods and also to make another studies to enrich our Arab musical libraries, and to make teaching music pedagogic more active in our different foundation.
Conference Title
The International Confrence of the Challenges of the Musical Education
Conference Country
Conference Date
May 11, 2015 - May 13, 2015
Conference Sponsor
برعاية الأستاذ الدكتور محمد ذنيبات نائب رئيس الوزراء وزير التربية والتعليم في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، وجامعة اليرموك.
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