Publication Type
Conference Paper
Introduction Although rare, congenital fibular deficiency (CFD), also called fibular hypoplasia and fibular hemimelia, is the most common congenital long bone deficiency, with an approximate incidence of 7.4 to 20 per 1 million live births. Clinical features CFD is usually apparent at birth and can vary from mild limb inequalities and asymmetry to severe shortening, with a wide range of associated anomalies , including knee , femur , foot and ankle and might be associated with upper limb deformities Classification 2 well known classifications 1- Achterman and Kalamchi Classification System for Congenital Fibular Deficiency Anatomic and based on radiographic features. 2- BIRCH classification , according to the foot preservation Management 1- Non operative , in mild cases 2- Operative includes , epiphysiodesis , amputation and reconstructive surgery Conclusion : Congenital absent fibula should be assessed as a whole limb deformity It is a team work action , not only surgery Should acknowledge the culture of the people and involve the family in the decision
Conference Title
Jordan orthopedic society annual meeting Oct 2015
Conference Country
Conference Date
Jan. 1, 2016 - Jan. 1, 2016
Conference Sponsor
jordanian orthopedic society