Over the past years, limited efforts were applied to improving traffic safety in Palestinian cities. Therefore, establishing a traffic safety program is essential to achieving this purpose. Since the eruption of the Intifada in 2000, traffic crash reporting and recording system suffered serious neglect. Various forms are used for recording crashes; however, these forms are not compatible with traffic safety needs; the manual system is still used. The responsibility of monitoring and developing a traffic safety program at the central government level is not clear due to the overlap of responsibilities. The focus of this study is the on the planning component of a traffic safety program, which includes collecting and maintaining data, identifying hazardous locations, conducting safety studies, and establishing priorities. The existing traffic accident police report was designed for the purposes of police and insurance agencies. A new comprehensive police accident report was designed. Procedures and thresholds values for identifying hazardous locations were established for a sample Palestinian city. The expected value statistical method was used as an appropriate tool to determine critical values for identifying hazardous locations based on the accident number-rate technique. Threshold values for identifying hazardous locations for various classes of highways/intersections were established. Procedures, forms, and steps for conducting safety studies were proposed based on modified international experiences to fit local conditions. The methodology for establishing priorities was identified based on benefit/cost analysis. The average accident cost by type was proposed in the study based on the records of Palestinian insurance companies.
Conference Title
The Jordanian International Traffic Safety Conference, At Amman, Jordan