A Scrutiny of the Equivalent Static Lateral Load Method of Design for Multistory Masonry Structures
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Building structures with a soft storey are gaining widespread popularity in urban areas due to the scarcity of land and due to the pressing need for wide open spaces at the entrance level. In earthquake prone zones dynamic analysis based on the Equivalent Static Lateral Load method is attractive to the novice and the design codes leave the choice of the analysis procedure up to the discretion of the designer. The following is a comparison of the said method with the more elaborate Response Spectrum Method of analysis as they apply to a repertoire of different structural models. The results clearly show that the former provides similar results of response in structures with gradual change in storey stiffness; while it is over conservative for a bare frame structure. It is however less conservative for structures with a soft storey

Conference Title
American Institute of Physics AIP
Conference Country
Conference Date
July 1, 2008 - July 1, 2008
Conference Sponsor