دور القيم والأخلاق في ضبط التداول في السوق الإسلامي
الدكتور: محمود عبد الكريم إرشيد ـ جامعة النجاح الوطنية ـ كلية الشريعة ـ قسم الشريعة والمصارف الإسلامية
Email: [email protected]
The role of values and ethics in controlling the Islamic market trading
Abstract: This research highlights one of the most economic activities, that is trading. it focuses on ethics and values and their role in controlling trading in the Islamic market through interactions between Muslims themselves and between Muslims and others such as selling commodities, providing different services contracts and leases, forming new companies based on the rule " Controlled Economic Freedom" set by Islam in economic activity along with the ethics explained by this research in details such as " maintain the idea of things that are Halal (allowed) and Haram (taboo) when trading in the Islamic market" and "The sanctity of individual funds" keep the relationship of brotherhood dominant when doing interactions". the aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of these ethics and values as channels leading to better trading methodologies. The findings of this study after viewing perspective in the economic systems of values and ethics reveal the importance of analyzing this element through undertaking values and ethics as an important factor unlike the Capitalist financial system that excluded values and ethics from the equation.