To What Extent Does the Palestinian Teacher Practice the Systematic Planning of ‎Instruction ?‎
Publication Type
Original research
  • Darwazeh, A. N. ‎
A (423) male and female elementary and preparatory school teachers who affiliated to the UNRWA agency in Nablus district in the West-Bank in Palestine responded to a questionnaire measured the systematic planning of instruction in five domains:  Analysis, Designing, Implementing, Managing, and Evaluating Instruction.
The data was manipulated by using descriptive and analytic statistics.  The results of this study were as follows:
1- The overall mean of teacher performance on a the questionnaire measured the systematic planning of instruction was (4.13) out of (5) points.
2- The One-Way ANOVA of repeated measures design using F-test showed a significant differences among the fields of the systematic planning of instruction (P<.0001).  This significant effect indicated that teachers practice the design processes most; whereas they practice the management processes least.
3-  The One-Way ANOVA suing F-test failed to show any significant differences with respect to the level of academic certificate, years of teaching experience, and the number of training programs that the teachers have taken during in-service; whereas it showed a significant effect in favor of subject-matter ( P< .03).  This significant effect indicated that teachers of fine Arts and religion practice the systematic planning of instruction most; whereas teachers of Math and Social Science practice these processes least.
4- t-test showed a significant difference between males and females practices in the systematic planning of instruction in favor of females ( P< .01), and approached significant in favor of teachers who had a diploma in education compared with the teachers who did not have this kind of certificate ( P< .08).  On the other hand, t-test failed to show any differences between teachers who have Science or Literature backgrounds, and between teachers who teach in elementary or preparatory schools.
These results are accompanied by discussion and recommendations for further studies.
Al-Azhar University Journal for Humanities, 1(1), 200-233‎
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)