To What Extent Does The Palestinian School Principal Practice his Professional Role in the Light of Instructional Design Science ?
Publication Type
Original research
  • Darwazeh, A. N.
The role of Palestinian school principals was investigated in the light of instructional design science domains:  1) analysis, 2) planning or design, 3) development, 4) management, and 5) evaluation.  A stratified random sample of (211) male and female school principals was taken for this study and asked to respond to a “Likert” type questionnaire which measured the principals’ practices in those mentioned domains.
Descriptive statistics in one hand, and the analysis of variance ( ANOVA) on the other, have used to analyze the data of this study.  They  revealed the following results:
1- The overall mean of principals’ practices was ( 4.47) out of (5) points.
2- F-test showed a significant difference ( p< .0001) among the domains.  It indicated that the principal perform the management domain (x=4.6) better than the analysis (x=4.4), evaluation (x=4.3), development (4.3), or planning (x=4.1) one respectively.
3- F-test failed to show any significant differences with respect to these independent variables:  gender; years of administrative experience; years of experience in the ministry of education; number of training programs that have been taken in the administration topic; levels of certificate:  general high school, community college, BA, and MA; certificate specialization:  literature, science, others; and type of the schools they are working in: elementary, preparatory, and secondary.
These results were accompanied with discussion and recommendations for future studies.
Arab Journal of Education, vol. (18), No. (2), pp. 147-171
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)