The Effect Of The Dependent Requsitions , Number Of Requsitions , And The Number Of Steps Required To Solve Each Requsition Of V Erbal Problems On Solution Ability Of 10th Basic Grade
Publication Type
Original research
  • Shehadeh Mustafa Shehadeh Abdo

This study aimed at investigating the effect of three task variables : dependent requsitions   ( independent requsitions , dependent requsitions ) ,the number of requsitions (one requsition , two requsitions , three requsitions  ) , and the number of steps required for its solution ( two steps , three steps ,forth steps) , in the ability of 10th  basic grade  students to solve the static electristy and the effects of electric current thermally and chemically probles . Another porpuse of this study was to investigate the effect of sex , and physically ability level in the ability of  students to solve verbally physically problems.  The sample consisted of (280) 10th  basic grade students in Jenin schools  distributed over (12) schools  (( 7) for male  and (5) schools for female .     Atest was developed by the reseacher , consisted of two forms : model A (one , two , three  independent requsitions qusitions with one or two or thre steps for each requsition , model B ( one or two or three  dependet requsitions with one or two or three steps for each requsition) .  ( 50%) of every section were randomly given one of the two forms. The three -way analysis of variance with factor design (3*3*2) was used to answer the first  seven questions in this study , and two way analysis of variance with factor design (3*2) was used to answer the last three questions in this study . T-test  and scheffe test used to test the significant differances. The results of analysis were as follows: There was  astatistical significant differences in the ability of the students to solve verbally physically problems due to the dependent requsitions , in favour of independent requsitions. There was  astatistical significant differences in the ability of the students to solve verbally physically problems due to the the number of requsitions , in favour of one requsition. There was  astatistical significant differences in the ability of the students to solve verbally physically problems due to the number of steps required for solution of each requsition , in favour of one step for each requsition. There was  astatistical significant differences in the ability of the students to solve verbally physically problems due to thedouble and trible interaction betweenthe three structural variables in this study. There was  astatistical significant differences in the ability of the students to solve verbally physically problems due to the the physically ability level, in favour of  high ability level.

مجلة القياس النفسي والتربوي
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